2018, Number 5
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2018; 17 (5)
Validation of the Purpose in Life Test (PIL) in adult patients with cancer
Martínez OY, Llantá AMC, Bayarre VHD
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 800-812
PDF size: 681.20 Kb.
Introduction: The sense of life gives meaning and
helps to find an internal support to existence.
However, the suffering of an oncological disease
could lead to its loss or affectation. Several
logotherapists have tried to assess the
perception of the sense of life experienced by the
human being through standardized assessment
instruments. In Cuba, there is no instrument that
evaluates this important psychological category.
Objective: To determine the reliability and
validity of the Purpose in Life Test (PIL) in adults
with cancer treated in the National Institute of
Oncology and Radiobiology of Havana, Cuba.
Material and Methods: The research consisted of
the development of a technology aimed at
validating the Purpose in Life Test (PIL) through
the analysis of Internal Consistency Reliability
and the analysis of the Content and Construct
Validity. The Purpose in Life Test (PIL), which was
designed by Crumbaugh and Maholick and
validated in the Spanish population by the
Nobility was submitted to a linguistic and cultural
adaptation process. In the design, a group of five
experts in Psychology participated in the review
of the linguistic component from a context
perspective in which the instrument would be
Results: Overall Cronbach's α was 0,853; items
6,10,12 and 16 of the 20 items that make up the
test were modified and, despite the onedimensional
conception of the instrument, 5
correlated components were identified.
Conclusions: The results confirmed the validity
and reliability of the Purpose in Life Test in the
patients with cancer studied.
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