2018, Number 5
Influence of social stigma on the rehabilitation and social reintegration of schizophrenic people
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 705-719
PDF size: 607.82 Kb.
Introduction: Stigma is a social construct that includes attitudes, feelings, beliefs, and behavior that is configured as prejudice and brings about discriminatory consequences toward the stigmatized person. People who suffer from a mental disorder are recognized as one of the most stigmatized groups in our society, especially those who suffer from Schizophrenia.Objective: To establish how social stigma has a negative influence on the rehabilitation and social reintegration of people suffering from Schizophrenia.
Material and Methods: A bibliographic review was made through the search of information in sources available from the Cuban National Health Care Network and Portal (INFOMED), among them, databases such as SciELO, Pubmed / Medline, Cumed, Lilacs, as well as Google Scholar. Finally, a total of 38 references were selected for our study.
Development: Stigma is considered a social construct and is associated with many psychological, sociological, and historical factors, as well as the social representation of the cause of stigmatization. It can be classified in several ways. Its approach is extremely complex, especially when it is related to Schizophrenia.
Conclusions: The social stigma, together with the representation in Schizophrenia that persists in our environment, are phenomena that prevent an adequate social reintegration in these patients. The development of strategies that modify the false concepts that persist over mental illness in our society is an urgent concern.
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