2019, Number 1
Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to intrahospital infections in Nicaragua
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 17-28
PDF size: 161.16 Kb.
Introduction: infections associated with health care constitute a serious public health problem worldwide due to their frequency and high mortality. Objective: to identify the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices to control in-hospital infections of healthcare personnel. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the Santiago de Jinotepe Hospital in Carazo, Nicaragua, January-June 2017. The universe consisted of 345 hospital workers, including inmates of the medical career and the intentional sample or for convenience, from 53 suppliers. The variables used: occupational classification, level of knowledge about the definition of infections associated with health care (HCAI) and the effect of washing hands with water and soap to remove Gram-negative bacilli, as well as the evaluation of practices and attitudes related to the prevention of the IAAS. Results: cognitive deficit was found in the infections associated with health care and in the correct attitudes and practices in the care personnel for its prevention. Conclusions: there is a lack of knowledge about the infections associated with health care, as well as the exercise of correct attitudes and practices aimed at their prevention, for this purpose, a training program should be designed at this level of care to try to reduce HCAIs.REFERENCES
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