2018, Number 1
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Rev Mex Med Repro 2018; 8.9 (1)
Implantation failure: mother or embryo
Raphael Obiala E
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 5-16
PDF size: 350.74 Kb.
The success of assisted reproductive technologies has been increasing
since the birth of the first test-tube baby. Nowadays, however, there
are a number of factors that remain to be clarified, such as: the influence
of the integrity of male gametes and females in fertilization, the
development of the embryo, as well as the influence of controlled
ovarian hyperstimulation, markers of endometrial receptivity, uterine
abnormalities and immunological factors that affect genetic and molecular
expression. A better understanding of these mechanisms will
allow us to increase the rate of implantation, clinical pregnancies and
births of healthy babies, in patients subjected to assisted reproduction
techniques. This paper describes the factors involved of the mother
or the embryo in the implantation failure and which of these are seen
more frequently. There are different factors that favor the occurrence
of a failure in the implantation, some articles mention that it may be
due to embryonic, uterine or systemic causes.
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