2019, Number 1
Risk factors of pregnancy in adolescents and young people, Bata, Equatorial Guinea
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 119-134
PDF size: 250.96 Kb.
Introduction: pregnancy in adolescence is a multifactorial problem in Equatorial Guinea.Objective: to identify the socio-demographic, gynecological and obstetric risks in pregnant teenagers and young women (20-34 years) in the Regional Hospital of Bata, during July 2017.
Method: an observational, analytical study of cases (n1=30 adolescents) and controls (n2=60, young women), who gave birth. Variables: socio-demographic, gynecological-obstetric history, personal pathological history, and comorbidity during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium, as well as the results of conception. Data were computerized in SPSS 22, Version 10. Descriptive statistics was applied to summarize the variables and comparisons were made using X2, Odds Ratio, Student's T, and Mann Whitney's U.
Results: Fang ethnicity (94 %) prevailed in Bata, secondary level, and single women (80 % of adolescents) (p <0,001), students among the cases and housewives among the control group. Ages of the first sexual-intercourses, similar to (16 years) without using contraceptive measures (80 % in cases) vs. (61,7 % in controls); the adolescents aspired to diminish the offspring (p <0,0001). In pathological history and comorbidity during pregnancy, HIV prevailed (16,7 %). The tetanus vaccination coverage was achieved in 96,7 %; the 87,8 % had eutocic delivery with normal weight of the newborns, only three fetal deaths, and one in the cases along with two in the controls, without maternal deaths.
Conclusions: in Bata, July 2017, prenatal and delivery care at Bata Regional Hospital did not present differences between the cases and controls a favorable situation was observed.
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