2019, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2019; 26 (2)
Low Saturation of Oxygen as a Risk Factor for Developing Diabetic Foot
Sánchez LM, Roy GI, Velázquez LL, Navarro SLG, Soriano PÁM
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 52-57
PDF size: 164.95 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate oxygen saturation in pelvic limbs according to the presence of diabetic foot in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2).
Methods: cross-sectional and analytical study. Patients with DM2 with more than five years of evolution, from 20 to 80 years of age and who attended the Family Medicine Unit no. 28, in Mexico City were included. To stage the severity of diabetic foot it was used the Meggit-Wagner classification, and it was considered the presence of diabetic foot patients in grades 1 to 3. The value of oxygen saturation (SpO2) in pelvic limbs was determined by oximetry pulse. Other variables such as atrophy and skin dryness, high blood pressure background, Body Mass Index (BMI), and lack of glycemic control were evaluated. The χ
2 Test for difference of proportions and the U of Mann-Whitney test for difference of medium were performed. To learn about the risk factors associated with diabetic foot, a logistic regression model was conducted.
Results: 126 patients were included, 23% had diabetic foot (n=29), of which, 90% presented Meggit-Wagner grade 1 (n=26) and 10% presented Wagner grade 3 (n=3). Patients with diabetic foot showed a median of SpO2 of 90% compared to a SpO2 95% in non-diabetic foot patients (p‹0.001). In the multivariate model, the SpO2 ‹90% showed an or of 10.5(CI 95% 2.6, 41.6). Atrophy and skin dryness, and high blood pressure background were also risk factors for developing diabetic foot.
Conclusion: patients with diabetic foot showed less SpO2. A level of less than 90% saturation is a risk factor independent of other factors for diabetic foot development.
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