2019, Number 1
Discovery of the sexual abuse of the child: revelation or silence
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 301.81 Kb.
Introduction: To know that a mother is the core of protection and affection in the family links is outstanding, as the role she and the father play in the affective link with the child in the recovery, protection and post-traumatic support after a sexual abuse episode.Objective: To describe the processes and meanings of the experience lived by parents or primary caregivers toward the discovery of sexual abuse of their children.
Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study with qualititative and quantitative methodological approach of the Collective Subject Discourse. Individual interviews with 60 parents or caregivers that were not perpetrators of abuse were conducted in the municipalities of Cajica and Tabio de Bogotá, Colombia. The empirical data were analyzed using the Collective Subject Discourse, based on the Theory of Social Representations, which makes possible the emergence of social representations by constructing collective discourses. The data were qualitative processed and analyzed in Qualiquantisoft software, which is associated with the Collective Subject Discourse's method.
Results: The most significant discourse identified by interviewees was the "relationship between parents, primary caregivers and child" (45,7%, n=43); they emphasize in improving the role as parents through trustfulness, the dialogue, to listen out the children, taking care of the children and spending more time with them. They also considered important the support role of the protection and justice network (29 %, n = 32).
Conclusions: Girls are more commonly the victims of sexual abuse. In that cases, they lived in monoparental families with the need of leaving their child under the guard of a relative, friend or neighbor. When abuse is perpetrated by individuals with strongs affective bounds, the impact in the child´s emotional, congnitive and behavioral health is bigger. Credibility, behaviors and protection measures that parents or primary caregivers assume are essential guidelines for the process of disclosure of the sexual abuse, and provides an environment that enables a positive development of the traumatic experience in the child. It is important to emphasize the role played by the professionals involved in these cases, because comprehensive care to reduce the long-term consequences depends on their attitude, support and management.
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