2019, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2019; 45 (1)
Self-medication in students from a university dorm in Chillán, Chile
Altamirano OV, Hauyón GK, Mansilla CE, Matamala MF, Morales OI, Maury-Sintjago E, Rodríguez FA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 285.07 Kb.
Introduction: Self-medication is a health problem, especially in students who live in
university residences.
Objective: To characterize self- medication in students from a university dorm in the city of
Chillán, Chile.
Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive study. The sample was non- probabilistic and it was
formed by 102 students that represented the 68 % of the sample group. In order to evaluate
self- medication and its characteristics, a tool was created based on the literature, which was
validated by experts and a pilot test.
Results: There was a self-medication’s prevalence of 81,2 %. The main causes for doing it
have to do with that they do not consider necessary to consult a doctor (46 %); if the
symptomatology persists, 56 % of them go to the doctor. The acquisition of medicines
comes mainly from pharmacies (63 %) and the sources of behavior’s promotion are led by
relatives (51%) and friends (47,6 %). The more frequent symptoms reported were:
headaches, flu and inflammation, which were preferably treated by non-steroidal antiinflammatory
drugs. The 80 % considered that self- medication is a risky practice;
nevertheless, 64 % have sometimes recommended a medicine and 46 % of them have a
medicine’s stock at home.
Conclusions: Self-medication establishes a way of self-care that should be focused jointly
by all participating entities to minimize the potential associated risks.
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