2019, Number 1
Organizational climate in the care to patients with extremely severe maternal morbidity
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 198.81 Kb.
Introduction: The understanding of the organizational phenomenon is a necessity in health service’s organizations, especially in hospitals. The diseases during pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death among women on reproductive ages.Objectives: To assess the organizational climate in the midwifery process in the care of patients with extremely severe maternal morbidity in "Julio Rafael Alfonso Medina" Gyneco-Obstetric Provincial Hospital of Matanzas province.
Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out. The climate assessment was made through the application of a tool called ´´ Assessment of the Organizational Climate in Health, by Segredo´´ (ECOS-S, by its acronym in Spanish) that is focused in the reference process of extremely severe maternal morbidity in different strata according to some organizational units. The dimensions studied were: organizational behavior, organizational structure and management style in different categories.
Results: The most affected dimension in the detailed estimations was Organizational Structure (average of 4,86) and of the stratum the one called Hospitalization Ward (3,50); the most affected category was Working Conditions (3,64). The estimates of the overall organizational climate showed an average of 53,4.
Conclusions: The organizational climate of extremely severe maternal morbidity corresponds to an inappropriate range in Hospital Wards. All dimensions assessed, most of the categories studied and the global organizational climate are classified at risk.
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