2019, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2019; 91 (1)
Mesenteric Lynphangioma in the pediatric ages
Cabo RV, Suárez VJS, Villa VSG, Soto MSC, Pangol PAS
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 266.41 Kb.
Introduction: Within the range of congenital malfomations that surgeons have to deal
with, vascular tumors and malformations represent an special group of entities that are still
under study.
Objective: To determine the clinical-surgical characteristics of a series of two cases with congenital malformations of lymphatic origin.
Cases presentation: Two patients of 12 and 4 years old respectively that were admitted in the Emergencies services in the Clinical-Surgical Hospital of Guayaquil, Ecuador, with
manifestations of intestinal obstruction and abdominal cystic tumoral lesions that required
surgical treatments with different techniques. Final evolution was satisfactory.
Conclusion: Intestinal lymphoangiomas are part of the kinds of clinical presentations of lymphatic origin´s malformations. These have a low incidence but due to their localization
and symptoms can require emergency surgical treatment. Their evolution and resolution is
satisfactory due to the low index of recidive after complete exeresis.
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