2019, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2019; 91 (1)
Obesity and the kidney
Durán ÁS
Language: Spanish
References: 66
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 165.11 Kb.
Introduction: Obesity is a global health problem and its frequency is increasing as much
as in adults than in children. One of its complications is glomerulopathy associated to
Objective: To inform on this disease and the attitude of pediatricians towards this trying
to avoid it.
Methods: Reviewing of the most recent medical literature on this disease and the increase
of obesity in the pediatric age in PubMed, SCIELO and LILACS databases. The keywords
used for the search were: glomerulopathy related to obesity, obesity and overweight in
children, and obesity treatment.
Results: Obesity in children is in a high percentage due to nutritional causes and in this
disease environmental and sociocultural factors play an important role. The predisposition
to suffer from glomerulopathy by obesity starts in childhood. The treatment prepared by
the pediatricians in these cases will be directed to the prevention of the disease because it
can be developed in adulthood. When preventive measures fail, there is the possibility of
performing a bariatric surgery, having in this regard few experiences in the pediatric ages
and important ethical challenges; and instead of being an alternative treatment, it is not
widely accepted.
Conclusions: Generally, glomerulopathy of obesity doesn’t appear until adulthood, but it
is necessary to prevent it since the pediatric age; and for its prevention pediatricians must
be attentive to the risk factors that can appear from the earliest stages of life.
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