2019, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2019; 91 (1)
Pediatric renal tumors and their possible relation with endogamous populations in central Argentina
Agost L
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 285.61 Kb.
Introduction: There is little research on risk factors of pediatric renal tumors.
Objective: To characterize in detail the geographic regions of greatest incidence of
pediatric renal tumors in central Argentina and exploring their possible link to genetic risk
Methods: The study area comprised the province of Córdoba (Argentina), and a database
of pediatric renal tumors incidence was generated with information from the Provincial
Tumor Registry. Analyses of spatio-temporal clusters were performed. In-depth interviews
with key informants were carried out at localities within the conglomerates.
Results: 56 cases of pediatric renal tumors were registered in the Provincial Registry of
Tumors between 2004 and 2013. A significant spatial conglomerate was detected,
covering seven districts of the province. In that region, six in-depth interviews were
conducted with key informants. Interviewees highlighted the increased frequency of
Sandhoff genetic disease and endogamous practices (corroborated in numerous scientific
results). From these data, zones of overlap of renal tumors and of Sandhoff disease were
Conclusions: A particular region of the province was detected with high frequency of
pediatric renal tumors and Sandhoff disease. Numerous scientific studies have determined
that endogamy is the risk factor that increases the frequency of Sandhoff disease in this
region. In future research, it should be confirmed whether it also acts by increasing the
incidence of renal tumors in children.
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