2019, Number 1
Introductory study and translation of the third conference of James M. Baldwin at the National Preparatory School in Mexico of 1909
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 465-489
PDF size: 196.59 Kb.
James Mark Baldwin was one of the honorable delegates guested to the inauguration of the University of Mexico in 1910, he was invited on the purpose of teaching two courses, each one consisted in a series of conferences. While the first one, that was around the topic of Psychosociology, has been studied by many authors, the second one that was about the History of Psychology has been barely reviewed. Nevertheless, the importance of this second course is of vital analysis due to the relevance and extension of this topic in Baldwin’s work, and as well this version of history presented by Baldwin in his teaching, clarifies what kind of psychology prevailed in the education and social systems of Mexico. The speech translated in this paper was read before the conferences of 1910 and 1912 and summarizes the positions with which Baldwin would propose subsequent courses. In addition to enriching the understanding of the document, the introductory study contrasts it or complement it with several archival documents and with arguments and positions held in the work of the psychologist.REFERENCES
Danziger, K (1979). The social origins of modern psychology., en A.R. Buss (Ed): Psychology in social context. New York, Irvington Publishers. 27-45. Traducción: Hugo Alberto Klappenbach. Revisada por Hernán Scholten. Disponoble en la web: http://www.elseminario.com.ar/biblioteca/Danziger_Origenes_Sociales_Psi cologia.pdf
Ben-David, J., y Collins, R. (1966). Social factors in the origins of a new science: The case of psychology. American sociological review, Vol. 31. (4). 451- 465. Recuperado de: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/2090769.pdf?casa_token=YwHvr1t7zqEAA AAA:A0VijEsLs3TENo3KE_qS0RKq9ZRNYAfELYZVXTY9ZxV8w- Ven3Ba0ajnTuhdZWD0TZC8GY3kt87g4JVgHTnlnmkbtrwSimK8vbupXRJp 058AmIzfKuHENA
Baldwin, J. M. (1909). Discurso del doctor James Baldwin a Ezequiel A. Chávez, director de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria, donde le agradece las palabras que le dedicó para darle la bienvenida; trata también lo relativo a la historia de la psicología y los cambios en su estudio. Documento inédito. Archivo Histórico de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Fondo Ezequiel A. Chávez. Sección: Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Serie: Discursos. Caja 23 Exp: 23 Doc: 1 Foj: 19 Fol: 1-19
Baldwin, J. M. (1912). Carta de James Mark Baldwin a Porfirio Parra, director de la Escuela Nacional de Altos Estudios de la Universidad Nacional, remitiéndole un breve informe de los cursos que impartió en la misma en el año de 1912. Documento inédito. Archivo Histórico de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Fondo Escuela Nacinonal de Atos Estudios. Caja 19; Expediente 153; Documento 3; Fojas 2; Folios 20-21.