2018, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2018; 47 (4)
Rupture of the eyeball
Welch RG, Cruz BM, Hernández FY
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 141.45 Kb.
Ocular traumatisms represent the principal cause of loss of vision in young people
and they are among the causes of blindness in the world. Trauma can result in a
wide spectrum of tissue lesions of the globe and it can has devastating effect on the
eyeball, since it is the most severe type of trauma in this area, with a poor visual
prognosis for the patient. It is a serious accident, which often leads to nucleation as result of a bruised intense trauma. This is the report of three patients with rupture
of the ocular globe with the therapeutic behavior, follow-up and visual results in
each case, to show the medical community, the complexity and particularities of
this traumatism.
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