2018, Number 3
Analysis of a case ankylopoietic spondylitis
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 205.45 Kb.
Ankylopoietic spondylitis is an inflammatory, chronic and autoimmune disease that mainly affects the spine and sacroiliac joints. It evolves towards rigidity, ankylosis and disability. The objective is to discuss the treatment of a patient with 6 years of evolution of atypical ankylosing spondylitis suffering deformity in flexion of both knees, peripheral involvement. This patient is from rural areas. The irregular medical treatment caused deformity in flexion of both knees, despite the physiotherapeutic method used. As the joint involvement had no remission, surgical intervention to correct the deformity was performed in two moments (tenotomy of knee flexors and disinsertion of the posterior capsule at the level of the femoral condyles). Then rehabilitation program was implemented. This case progressed satisfactorily and his quality of life improved because of the implementation of both therapeutic procedures was effective.REFERENCES
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