2017, Number 4
Current considerations about evisceration after laparotomy in adults
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 395-406
PDF size: 90.25 Kb.
The evisceration is the outflow of the abdominal viscera through the edges of the incision of a laparotomy, caused by alterations of the healing process. In its etiology, mechanical, nutritional and local factors are invoked, among which are those related to the surgical procedure, which motivate a diversity of criteria in the scientific community. This review is carried out with the purpose of deepening the cognitive aspects and treatment criteria of this entity due to the few national references found. An updated documentary review of the national and foreign bibliography published in electronic and printed format on this subject was carried out. Evisceration is a serious postoperative complication, due to its high morbidity and mortality, in which multiple risk conditions are involved in each patient, therefore it must be individualized and regardless of whether there are general guidelines for treatment, such as the use of mesh and modifications of the surgical technique; and its prevention requires compliance with strict measures before, during and after the intervention, in which the surgeon plays the leading role.REFERENCES
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