2017, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2017; 46 (4)
Non-invasive ventilatory management of a patient with Steinert's disease
Herrero MV, Faggionato M, Cigarra C, Rigoni L, de la Cruz M
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 383-388
PDF size: 115.55 Kb.
Introduction: Steinert's disease is a chronic and progressive autosomal dominant neuromuscular disease. Because this disease can affect respiratory muscles, these patients benefit from different physiotherapy techniques in order to avoid complications.
Case presentation: patient with Steinert's disease who was treated in a Public Hospital of the Province of Buenos Aires during an acute respiratory failure with non-invasive way.
Comments: This experience shows that these patients can be treated noninvasively, outside the intensive care unit, and be controlled outpatient after discharge, being able to be reinserted in the community. It should also be noted that this was possible in a public hospital, within an unfavorable institutional and socio-economic context.
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