2018, Number 2
Bioethics in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 89.27 Kb.
Introduction: Ethics is the science that studies the origin and development of morality, the rules and norms of human behavior, and people's obligations to society. Health is not just the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. The systematic study of human behavior and health care is called bioethics. The term 'rehabilitation' was first used in the 20th century. At first it meant 'restoration', but then it became a synonym of 'good medical practice'.Objective: Evaluate the influence of bioethics on the development of physical medicine and rehabilitation in Cuba.
Methods: A systematic review was conducted of materials about bioethics and the development of physical medicine and rehabilitation. The sources used included national and foreign medical journals indexed in SciELO, ImbioMed and PubMed published in Spanish and English in the last ten years, as well as reviews of academic degree theses and textbooks dealing with the topic.
Conclusions: Ethics is theoretical reflection about morality, the latter being the set of principles and values that govern our behavior and actions. A researcher or physician who does not comply with ethical principles will give prominence to their own personal interests at the expense of the intrinsic moral values to be shared by all professionals.
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