2018, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2018; 32 (2)
Guiding ethical principles of third-levelrResearch or academic degree in Medical Science
Castro CNC, García ES
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 107.85 Kb.
Introduction: Medical advances have arisen due to the development of technology,
science and the multiple researches carried out in different fields of medicine, it is
indispensable to establish the relation of ethical principles with the investigations
especially in the third level
of study in the Higher Education in Medical Sciences, it is necessary to address the
problems related to the principles, values and behaviors that arise around the students
of health in correspondence to their investigations.
Objective: To establish the relationship between ethical principles and research carried
out by students of Health Sciences in Higher Education.
Methodology: systematic bibliographic analysis through the review of relevant
information, with the following stages: defining the problem, exploring information,
reviewing articles that contribute to the topic, organizing information according to
criteria of the authors and analysis of the same.
Conclusions: Strengthen the value of ethics and biotics to achieve investigative skills
in students of Higher Education, in order to obtain quality academic training. To be able
to establish the existing link between existing medical conflicts and to base their
research on the principles that guide studies with or without humans. It is necessary to know ethical principles as a guide to reflect on having a commitment to fulfill them.
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