2018, Number 2
The comparative anatomy of the heart, a need for laboratory practice in the medical career
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 99.83 Kb.
Introduction: A Lab Practice is proposed to give an answer to methodological problems dealing with a new Curriculum of the Medical Career called Plan D in Medicine Career. It took place in Manuel Piti Fajardo Medical School in San Cristóbal during 2015- 2016 and 2016-2017academic courses, is related to a new subject called Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive and Renal systems which were taught before with the name of Morph-physiology.Objective: to offer a suggestion for a lab practice where students have to get familiar to the cardiovascular system using a pig's heart to observe its internal and external characteristics comparing it with a human heart.
Methods: it consists of a quasi-experimental study based on a Lab Practice where students have to use a pig's heart to observe its internal and external characteristics comparing it with a human heart. Theoretical methods such us Inductive-Deductive method, Analytic- Synthetic method, Historical - Logical method were used and some empirical methods like observation, documentary analysis and P.N.I. were applied too. The methodology used for carrying out the study is similar to the one used by Biology students in the University of Havana.
Results: Systematic evaluation results are presented comparing them, with the ones done before. The initial and final diagnoses are shown.
Conclusion: the suggestion is made to work with the plan D curriculum, improving medical students' knowledge, related to a new subjecting Medicine Career called Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Digestive and Renal systems which were taught before with the name of Morph-physiology.
MANUAL DE PRÁCTICAS DE LABORATORIO DE ANATOMÍA Y FISIOLOGÍA II. Universidad autónoma de Tlaxcala. Facultad de ciencias de la salud. Licenciatura en Química Clínica. Plan 2012. Disponible en http://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/37000698/MANUAL_alumnos.pdf? AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1496866793&Signature=fQ%2B CklFo6sXMFz502x9rtLsgkE0%3D&response-contentdisposition= inline%3B%20filename%3DMANUAL_DE_PRACTICAS_DE_LABORATORIO_D E_AN.pdf
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