2006, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2006; 14 (1)
Prevalence and severity of depression in nursing students from Colima University
Olmedo-Buenrostro BA, Torres-Hernández J, Velasco-Rodríguez R, Mora-Brambila AB, Blas-Vargas LA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 17-22
PDF size: 162.18 Kb.
Introduction: Nowadays, depression has prevalence from 15 to 25% according to World Health Organization (WHO), and it affects mainly to adolescents and mature adults, but it has been recently identified in children.
Objective: To identify the prevalence and severity of depression in students of baccalaureate in nursing.
Methodology: Descriptive, transversal, and prospective study done in 133 nursing students from Colima University who accomplished with selection criteria and whose age oscillated between 18 and 22 years old. It was used the Self-applied Scale for Detection of Depression by Zung, which contains 20 Likert items, useful to identify the severity of it, too. It was requested that surveys were answered anonymously. Descriptive statistic was utilized for analysis of information.
Results: Prevalence of depression was on 29 cases (21.8%) from studied population (n=133), with 25 cases in women (18.8%) and 4 in men (3%). Regarding severity, 26 cases had mild depression (89.7%) and 3 cases had moderate depression (10.3%).
Conclusions: Prevalence in this study is alike to those national and international reported statistics for this age group, where severity was predominantly mild.
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