2018, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2018; 17 (1)
Acute respiratory failure as a perioperative complication of percutaneous nephrolithotomy en patients with total coraliform lithiasis
Hernández GR, Baute GA, Centeno CC
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 145.89 Kb.
Introduction: Renal lithiasis accounts for 20-30 % of urology consultations
Objective: To identify the frequency of acute respiratory failure as a perioperative
complication of percutaneous nephrolithotomy in patients with total staghorn lithiasis.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted with patients diagnosed with staghorn
lithiasis and admitted for elective percutaneous nephrolithotomy at Hermanos
Ameijeiras Clinical-Surgical Hospital between September 1st, 2014 and January 28,
Results: 55 patients were studied. There was a significant predominance of women
(70.9 % versus 29.1 %, Z=3.0511, p= 0.0023). The minimum age was 23 years and
the maximum age, 70 years. The average age was 49.75 years. It can be observed
that 50.9 % of the patients were ASA I, 32.7% were ASA II, and 16.4 % were ASA
III. The most frequent risk factors were renal sepsis and nephritic colic (58.2 % and
56.4 %, respectively). Among the non-communicable chronic diseases, the most
frequent were arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease. The habit of smoking
was present in 47.3 % of the total, as well as alcohol consumption (18.2 %). All
patients received general anesthesia. Surgical time predominated at length between 2
and 3 hours (67.3 %). There were no complications during the intraoperative period.
In the postoperative period, 23.6 % had mild hypoxemia, 5.5 % moderate hypoxemia
and 3.6 %, severe hypoxemia.
Conclusions: Acute respiratory failure was corroborated as a perioperative
complication of percutaneous nephrolithotomy in patients with total staghorn lithiasis.
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