2006, Number S2
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Arch Cardiol Mex 2006; 76 (S2)
Clinical stratification of cardiogenic shock
Martínez SCR, Martínez-Reding G JO, Lupi HE
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 261-268
PDF size: 120.19 Kb.
Cardiogenic shock (CHC) associated to acute
myocardial infarct has high mortality and their
manifestations are heterogenous. In our institution
historical mortality, was 98%, but with different
methods of reperfusion, its reduced to 53%.
In other hand, with opportune clinical stratification
is useful to improve the treatment strategy.
This stratification on basis in clinical signs: age,
infarction location, cardiac frequency and systemic
arterial pressure, and hemodynamical valuation
with the use of right catheterism with quantification
miocardial work parameters like “Cardiac
power” that is the product of flow and arterial pressure
and that is of utility to know the “Miocardial
reserve”. In our experience after reperfusion procedure
patients with CHC and cardiac power less
than 1.0 had highly mortality.
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