2018, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2018; 39 (5)
The influenza in the Estado de Mexico and its climatic relation. From the pandemic to the seasonal nature
Coria-Lorenzo JJ, Ortiz-García ER, Mirón-Calderón X, Dávila-Chávez E; Pla-Esquivel E, Mancilla-Bernal LE
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 289-297
PDF size: 1516.06 Kb.
Objective: To know if the climatic factors or environmental and geographic influence
or were influential in the distribution of cases of influenza in the 125 municipalities
of the Estado de México.
Material and Methods: Descriptive and retrospective analysis of positive cases for
some type of influenza. We reviewed the annual concentrates of databases in Excel
with a positive result for some type of influenza from the pandemic (2009) until the
end of the 2016 season (epidemiological week 20). As well as the municipalities and
jurisdictions where there were such cases of influenza. We analyze the circulation of
the virus according to the cardinal points as well as the climatic and geographic conditions
in relation to its proximity to the Mexico City).
Results: Of one total 17177 suspected cases analyzed, 3829 positive cases were found,
of which the majority (2993 [78.1%]) focused only in 19 municipalities, and the rest
(836 [21.8%]) were presented in the different towns. The circulation of the virus was
mainly in those places located to the north of the Mexico City, regardless if it is registered
as a municipality or jurisdiction. The municipalities with the largest registry of
cases of influenza were: Nezahualcoyotl, Ecatepec, Tlalnepantla, Naucalpan, Nicolás
Romero, Coacalco and Cuautitlán.
Conclusions: The distribution of cases of influenza was, mainly, in areas with dry
steppe and semi-dry climate where the formation of microclimates, latitude, circulation
of winds and others favor that the virus finds the ideal conditions for its spread.
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