2018, Number S1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2018; 39 (S1)
Challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis
Ibarra-González I, Gutiérrez-Morales G, Vela-Amieva M, Castillo-Mogel JA, Herrera-Pérez LA, Caamal-Parra G, Herrera-Maldonado N, García-Flores EP
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 35-46
PDF size: 649.25 Kb.
Introduction: Early detection of cystic fibrosis (CF) by newborn screening (NBS)
has a positive effect on the clinical outcome of the disease however, its implementation
is complex and there is no universal protocol. The quantification of immunoreactive
trypsinogen (IRT) is used as initial biomarker of all current CF-NBS algorithms.
OBJECTIVE: To present the preliminary results of the application of an algorithm for the
NBS of CF in the Ministry of Health of Mexico.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective study of the results of the application of an
algorithm consisting of IRT/IRT quantification followed by sweat test (ST) for the detection
of CF in the NBS program of the Ministry of Health of Mexico.
Results: Filter paper blood samples were obtained from 1,273,727 newborns (NB),
being 1,267,122 specimens suitable for biochemical processing; 3,216 samples
showed IRT blood values above 95.5 percentile. Second IRT sample was obtained
only in 54% suspicious NB. 1,787 ST were performed and 202 highly CF suggestive
cases (1:6,273 NB) were detected and sent to medical follow-up. The high number
of extemporaneous samples contributes significantly to the high number of ST. Our
results allow us to identify the main difficulties of the CF NBS implementation using
the IRT/IRT/ST algorithm.
Conclusion: The incorporation of this first NBS algorithm for CF detection in Mexico
represents an achievement however, it is necessary to improve it.
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