2019, Number 1
Rev Mex Anest 2019; 42 (1)
True knot in peridural catheter. A case report
Garabito-López JA
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 68-71
PDF size: 244.77 Kb.
Epidural anesthesia is a technique that is performed blindly and therefore is not free of complications, among them, a rare complication is the formation of a true knot. We discuss the case of a pregnant woman in whom an epidural block with a true knot formation was placed, which was surgically removed. Conclusion: If an epidural catheter cannot be removed easily, maneuvers described for removal should be applied and imaging studies such as CT or MRI may be used to determine the shape and position of the catheter and whether the catheter has communication with the outside must be extracted surgically.REFERENCES