2019, Number 1
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Rev Mex Anest 2019; 42 (1)
Analysis and application of a checklist in trauma anesthesia and emergency surgery
Ronquillo-Gasca K, Rivera-Ordoñez A, Marín-González AL
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 56-61
PDF size: 211.33 Kb.
Anesthetic management directly affects the evolution of the patient during resuscitation within the operating room, directly influencing mortality and morbidity. It has been shown that receiving hospital care in trauma level I reduces the risk of death in injured patients by 25% compared to a non-traumatological center. The present work presents a checklist for the patient with trauma and emergency surgery, in an attempt to help the anesthesiologist and the surgical team not to forget essential steps in times of stress, adapting to each hospital according to protocols and resources own of each institution, since they are, evidently, recommendations based on preventing the well-known and feared triad of death, as well as the multiple late complications, that could arise.
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