2019, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2019; 61 (1)
Quality care indicators for neonates with selected pathologies: pilot study
Saturno-Hernández PJ, Poblano-Verástegui O, Flores-Hernández S, Ángel-García D, O’Shea-Cuevas GJ, Villagrán-Muñoz VM, Halley-Castillo ME, Delgado-Sánchez V
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 35-45
PDF size: 444.88 Kb.
Objective. Develop and pilot indicators of quality of care
to neonates with relevant conditions in Mexico (prematurity,
neonatal sepsis, perinatal asphyxia, and intrauterine hypoxia).
Materials and methods. Own indicators were built
based on key recommendations of national clinical practice
guidelines and indicators found in international repositories.
With previous search, selection and prioritization, the
indicators were piloted within two hospitals. The feasibility
of measuring, (kappa index) reliability and usefulness was
analyzed to detect quality problems.
Results. 23 indicators
were selected and piloted, 12 are compounds, of the total,
nine were feasible and reliable. The quality of the hospital‘s
information was diverse and often poor, limiting both the
feasibility and the reliability of the indicators. Improvement
opportunities were identified thorough the compliance levels.
Conclusions. A set of nine indicators valid, reliable, feasible
and useful indicators is proposed in order to monitor the
quality of care of pathological neonates.
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