2018, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2018; 60 (6)
Use of HPV testing in cervical cancer screening services in Mexico, 2008-2018: a nationwide database study
Hurtado-Salgado E, Ortiz-Panozo E, Salmerón J, Saavedra-Lara N, Kuri-Morales P, Pesqueira-Villegas E, Luna-Gordillo R, Franco EL, Lazcano-Ponce E
Language: English
References: 40
Page: 722-733
PDF size: 921.55 Kb.
Objective. To describe the methods of a study aimed
at evaluating high risk-HPV (hrHPV)-based screening and
cervical cytology as triage compared to conventional cervical
cytology as primary screening in the detection of grade
2+ cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in the National Cancer
Screening Program (NCSP) of Mexico.
Materials and
methods. We will use information originated from the
Womens Cancer Information System of Mexico regarding
cervical cancer from 2008 to 2018. The database includes
cytology results, diagnostic confirmation by histopathology
and/or treatment colposcopy. We will then carry out statistical
analyses on approximately 15 million hrHPV.
We will evaluate the overall performance of hrHPV-based
screening as part of the NCSP and compare hrHPV-based
to cytology-based screening under real-life conditions. To
guarantee an unbiased comparison between hrHPV with cytology
triage and conventional cytology we will use propensity
score matching.
Conclusion. Decision makers may use our
results to identify areas of opportunity for improvement in
NCSP processes.
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