2018, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2018; 60 (6)
Prevalence and incidence of anal human papillomavirus infection in Mexican men: Need for universal prevention policies
Posso H, León-Maldonado L, Allen-Leigh B, Salmerón J, Quiterio M, Giuliano AR, Sudenga SL, Nyitray AG, Torres BN, Abrahamsen M, Lazcano-Ponce E
Language: English
References: 31
Page: 645-652
PDF size: 360.16 Kb.
Objective. Describe the natural history of anal HPV among
Materials and methods. Prospective study among
men 18-70 years (n=665), from Cuernavaca, Mexico who
completed questionnaires and provided specimens (HPV
genotyped) at enrollment and 1+ follow-up visit. HPV prevalence
and incidence were estimated. Prevalence ratios were
calculated with Poisson regression using robust variance estimation.
Person-time for incident HPV infection was estimated
using number of events modeled as Poisson variable for total
Results. Anal infection prevalence: any HPV
type=15%, high-risk=8.4%, HPV16=1.4%, tetravalent vaccine
types (4vHPV)=4.4%, nonavalent vaccine types (9vHPV)=6.3%.
Factors associated with prevalence: 50+ lifetime female sex
partners (adjusted prevalence ratio, a PR=3.25, 95% CI:1.12-
9.47), 10+ lifetime male sex partners (aPR=3.06, 95%CI:1.4-
6.68), and 1+ recent male anal sex partners (aPR=2.28,
95%CI:1.15-4.5). Anal incidence rate: high-risk HPV=7.8/1000
person-months (95%CI:6.0-10.1), HPV16=1.8/1000 personmonths
(95%CI:1.1-2.9),4vHPV=3.4/1000 person-months
(95%CI:2.3-4.9) and 9vHPV=5.5/1000 person-months
Conclusions. Implementation of universal
HPV vaccination programs, including men, is a public health
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