2018, Number 3
Scientiometric approach to the scientific production of CorSalud journal: Period 2009-2017
Naranjo A, Arman G
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 219-229
PDF size: 651.38 Kb.
Introduction: bibliometrics is a broad field of study that allows analyzing relationships, productivity and characteristics of different disciplines by reviewing the provided scientific production.Objective: to evaluate the scientific production of CorSalud journal during the period 2009-2017.
Method: descriptive and retrospective bibliometric study on the scientific production of CorSalud journal since its release in 2009 to 2017. The sample consisted of a total of 422 articles. The variables included several output indicators, visibility and impact, collaboration and relational ones.
Results: the journal has received a total of 198 citations with an h-index of 6; granting 361 citations, of which 178 (49.3%) are self-citations. Original articles account for 29.4% of all published articles. A total of 67 (30.9%) authors present productivity indices compatible with average producers. Articles present indexing percentages of 61.8% in Imbiomed and 57.8% in Dialnet and EBSCO databases. The greatest growth was recorded in 2012 with 138%. The peak collaboration rate is 4.6, reached in 2014.
Conclusions: there is a trend towards an increase of the author's productivity index, productivity by gender, output growth, collaboration and co-author relationship. In general, the bibliometric indicators show great stability and improvement in the quality of the publication.