2018, Number 09
Liver rupture associate with chronic hypertension and overadded preeclampsia
Argilagos CG, Arañó PJF, Nápoles MD
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 1337-1246
PDF size: 1290.76 Kb.
The case report of a 29 year-old patient is described with a pregnancy of 24 weeks and a history of chronic hypertension, so that she went to the emergency Department of "Tamara Bunke Bider" Teaching Gynecological and Obstetrical Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, due to her high values, migraine, epigastralgia and vomits. A overadded preeclampsia was diagnosed and, because of the worsening signs, it was decided to make a laparotomy. A hemoperitoneo and a rupture in hepatic right lobe were found, thus, a hepatic tamponing was carried out which was then retired. The patient required intensive cares in "Saturnino Lora Torres" Teaching Clinical-Surgical Provincial Hospital and the evaluation of a multidisciplinary team due to the emergence of complications: acute respiratory failure syndrome, abdominal wall abscess, hepatic abscess and presumed ileofemoral thrombosis. Her clinical course was favorable and she was discharged alive.