2018, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2018; 56 (3)
The ecologization of the Papanicolaou stain in the diagnosis of cervical cancer
Rojas-Zumaran V, Moya-Salazar J
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 217-225
PDF size: 992.25 Kb.
Background: Cervical cancer is the fourth most
common cancer worldwide among women.
Objective: To evaluate the implementation and
efficiency of the Ecological Papanicolaou staining (Eco-
Pap) in exfoliative cytology for the diagnosis of cervical
Methods: A prospective, experimental, cross-sectional
research was performed at the Hospital Nacional
Docente Madre-Niño “San Bartolomé” during 2015.
Three strategies for controlling toxic reagents were used:
the use of progressive Harris haematoxylin,
polychromatic cytoplasmic solution and direct mounting.
Cellular details were analyzed by using the Quality Index
Staining, the Bethesda system and the Quality Program
for External Evaluation of Cytology.
Results: We evaluated 72 901 cervical smears stained
with Eco-Pap. The validation of Eco-Pap against the
standard Papanicolaou staining had very good
agreement (kappa = 0.89), showing a sensitivity and
specificity of 88.3 and 98.7%, respectively (p ‹ 0.05).
The Eco-Pap had a high diagnostic yield and reduced
environmental pollution caused by xylene (72 liters),
hydrochloric acid and ammonia (each one with six liters),
as well as mercury oxide.
Conclusions: The Eco-Pap is a new, efficient and
innovative method which eliminates the use of toxiccarcinogenic
reagents, generating ecological
performance in the diagnosis of cervical cancer.
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