2018, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2018; 10 (1)
Sociodemographic predictors of anxiety and academic performance in adolescents
Pulido AF, Herrera CF
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 83-93
PDF size: 685.24 Kb.
The main objective of this work was to analyze the predictors
of anxiety and academic achievement, according to age, gender,
culture, and socioeconomic and cultural status, as well
as the relationships between both variables. Eight hundred
and eleven students, who studied, mainly, in the secondary
education, participated; the mean age was 15.4 years old (
= 4.46); 71.6 % of the total were Muslims and 28.4 % Christians;
46.1 % were male and 53.9 % female. The test used in
this survey was the STAIC, as well as the students’ grades. The
predictors of anxiety were age and gender. For academic performance,
there were three predictors: socioeconomic status,
age and culture. No relationship was found between anxiety
and academic achievement. The only exceptions were problems
and difficulties, an anxiety factor which was predicted
by social sciences and Mathematics scores. We comment on
the importance of sociodemographic variables for the study
of anxiety and academic performance.
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