2018, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2018; 10 (1)
Contributions from psychology to reflections on ethical dilemmas in cryopreserved embryos
Salomé LN, Ormart E
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 63-81
PDF size: 746.50 Kb.
The dilemmas detected at the beginning of human life —and
with them the dierent meanings of the in vitro embryo—
confront healthcare professionals with challenges related to
their role. Likewise, the absence of specific regulations often
leads to the prosecution of cases. Therefore, this study aims
to investigate the dierent connotations attached to the human
embryo in 45 Argentinean psychologists through a qualitative-
quantitative methodology. The analysis examines the
responses to four selected problematic situations, in order to
assess professional competencies and intervention strategies
in the resolution of conflicts. The selected scenarios (wrong
embryo transferred in IVF; sex selection; and embryo transfer
after death or after divorce) move professionals to reflect on
the foundations of their practice as well as on the scope of
the psychological interventions in the field of reproductive
health. The analysis of professional competences has demonstrated
the need to build interdisciplinary work teams, in
which the contribution of psychology implies the protection
of the symbolic sphere, the subjective dimension, and the integrity
of fertility patients.
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