2019, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2019; 26 (1)
Detection of Pulmonary Tuberculosis through Directed Screening in a Family Medicine Unit
Velasco BS, Alvarado GT, San Pedro HR, Peralta RJJ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 3-7
PDF size: 140.05 Kb.
Objective: To detect new cases of pulmonary
tuberculosis through smear
directed to patients with cough of
more than two weeks of evolution in
a Family Medicine Unit.
analytical and cross-sectional study.
Included 85 patients older than 25
years of both sexes, chronic coughers,
and patients assigned to the fmu No.
31 in Mexico City. The patients were
invited to participate through a campaign
called “Operation Tuberculosis”
which included posters, canvas, leaflets
and informative talks. The screening
was performed through a sputum smear
in series of 3. Descriptive analysis was
carried out using the Stata 12 program.
Results: 47 women (55.29%) and 38
men (44.71%) were included. The
average age was 62.34 years (± 14.79).
33 patients had normal body mass index
(38.82%), 36 overweight (42.35%) and
the rest with obesity. 35 patients were
identified by their doctor as chronic
coughers, only five received smear
request and 23 received treatment for
airway infection. Five patients were
diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis
(ptb), three women and two men, all
with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
directed screening for ptb
increases the detection of new cases,
which makes necessary to improve the
strategies to identify and include the
chronic coughers in the program in a
timely manner.
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