2018, Number S1
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Rev CONAMED 2018; 23 (S1)
Social and cultural implications of medicine
Rossi I
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 19-24
PDF size: 86.57 Kb.
Nowadays, from conception to death, by the way of their whole biographical trajectories, human beings are confronted to the world of medical care. Desired, imposed or rejected, this complex and paradoxical interaction constitute the social and cultural base on which emerge the medicalization of life and the growing preoccupation about health. However, the contemporary issues that it contained redefine the human being, through the transformation of our whole experiential, existential, moral and bodily structure as such as our judgments and actions. In a logic dominated by supply and demand, health is today improved to the rank of supreme ideal, of unanimous morality, in a society where the dynamics of developing a relationship with oneself, with others and the world, they are built more and more in the apprehension of the body. This state of fact is not new and evidently inscribes itself in a historical process. How did they get there?
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