2018, Number 2
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2018; 9 (2)
Bioethics and its principles within the reach of physicians in their daily practice
Trapaga SMA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 53-59
PDF size: 116.78 Kb.
This work explains in a simple way the bioethical principles of the personalist and principialist models of bioethics, which are often used in the analysis of cases with a bioethical consideration. The purpose is that doctors and other health professionals take them into consideration when dealing with patients (always looking for the moral good and the defense of their personal dignity), and using them as a guide for the resolution of these cases. The first part enunciates the basic ethical-philosophical concepts and in the second part the principles are addressed, with a reflection of their origin and application in cases of medical attention and research with human beings, taking into account that the center of biomedical activity is the well-being of the person.
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