2018, Number 4
Acta Med Cent 2018; 12 (4)
Tratamiento de las cefaleas con acupuntura
Ocampo SB, Carrillo PRA
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 496-505
PDF size: 180.43 Kb.
Introduction: Headache is the most frequent symptom found in human beings; almost 90% of the people have suffered from it in a given moment. Objective: To determine which are the techniques of Natural and Traditional Medicine more commonly used, as well as their effectiveness in the treatment of headaches. Methods: A review of sixteen studies which use various procedures for the treatment of headache was conducted (an experimental study, four quasi-experimental studies, four observational studies and seven systematic reviews). Development: Cephalea, or headache, is the most frequent cause of medical consultation in the world and the interpretation patients have of their ailment is as varied as causes of headache exist. Fortunately in most of the cases it is due to migrainous processes. Conclusions: Natural and Traditional Medicine has proven to be effective in the treatment of the symptoms of migraine, both in the short and the long term, in the acute cases and in the chronic cases, and it is an effective therapeutic option in the prevention of the symptoms of this disease.