2018, Number 4
Intensidad del síndrome climatérico en mujeres con diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 440-447
PDF size: 314.01 Kb.
Introduction: climacterium is a stage in a woman's life that is characterized by physiological and metabolic changes such as diabetes mellitus. The set of symptoms and signs that occur as an expression of the hypoestrogenic state, influenced by biological, social and cultural factors, restrict the quality of life of women. Objective: to describe the intensity of the climacteric syndrome in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus attended at the “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Hospital. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 37 climacteric women with type 2 diabetes mellitus between 40 and 64 years, who were selected by intentional non-probabilistic sampling. The climacteric intensity was classified as mild, moderate and very annoying, and the metabolic control was classified as good, acceptable and bad. Results: the age group between 40 and 44 years old prevailed (27%) and abdominal obesity was more frequent (94.6%), followed by body obesity (86.5%), and arterial hypertension (73%) among the factors that modify the intensity of the climacteric syndrome. Between the intensity of the syndrome and arterial hypertension, a significant relationship was established. The climacteric syndrome was very annoying in the postmenopausal time period. The climacteric symptoms and their intensity reflected a mild direct relationship and moderately significant with the state of metabolic control. Conclusions: the intensity of the climacteric syndrome in the studied group was influenced by diabetes mellitus as a premature model of aging.REFERENCES
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