2018, Number 4
Prevalence of dental caries and level of knowledge on oral health: Antonio Maceo Junior High School. 2016
Fornaris HA, Rivera LE, Guerrero ME, Marrero MM, Abreu CIC
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 978-988
PDF size: 86.75 Kb.
Introduction: the dental caries is considered a universal health problem with high socio-economical implications striking on the person’s life quality. The key for health prevention in Dentistry is keeping a high level of individual knowledge on oral health.Objective: to determine the prevalence of dental caries and level of knowledge on oral health in students aged 12-15 years, belonging to the junior high school “Antonio Maceo”, municipality La Lisa, during 2016.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in a universe of 234 students enrolled in that school, belonging to the studied area. Frequency distributions, percentage calculations, index standard deviation and ratio were performed.
Results: 44.9 % of the students had, at least, one decayed, filled or lost tooth due to caries. The level of knowledge on oral health was regular (101 students, 43.2 %) and in students with decayed teeth, it was almost zero. Most of the students having filled teeth were 13 years old, 32.4 %; 54.3 % were female ones.
Conclusions: in patients with dental caries, the frequency of dental brushing was once a day. The occlusal surface was the most affected one by caries at all ages and in both genres. A cariogenic diet predominated.