2018, Number 2
The management of Arterial hypertension as a research variable
Shunchao K, Xueqing L, Blanco AMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 214-224
PDF size: 649.49 Kb.
Introduction: Arterial hypertension is a syndrome which has, as its center, a sign which is obtained by means of a punctual and repeated measurement. There are several variables resulting from the measurement of blood pressure, which in turn, is affected by multiple factors.Objective: To establish the management of arterial hypertension as a research variable.
Material and Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out thorough the search for information on different available sources from the Virtual Health Library of the Cuban National Health Care Network and Portal (INFOMED). Among them, databases such as SciELO, Pubmed/Medline, Cumed, Lilacs, as well as Google Scholar were accessed. Finally, a total of 39 references were selected for our study.
Development: The complexities of hypertension as a variable are derived from the different forms of classifying, measuring, and graphing it; and also from the number of measurements and the moment during the follow-up of the disease, its causes, and associations.
Conclusions: Research on arterial hypertension demands that, in its design, the assessment of its internal and external sub-variables, as well as the validity and reliability of the ones used, should be foreseen to take all these elements into account during the discussion of their results to in order that the conclusions and recommendations can be coherent.