2018, Number 3
Nursing staff continuing education, a strategy for the prevention of intrahospital pressure ulcers
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 202-213
PDF size: 322.54 Kb.
Introduction: It has been demonstrated that the continuing education of the nursing staff can help to avoid the appearance of pressure ulcers (UPP) and / or its evolution to a higher stage.Objective: To establish the relationship between continuing education in nursing and the prevention of pressure ulcers in the hospital setting.
Methods: Systematic review on continuing education in nursing and prevention of pressure ulcers. The search strategy was based on the guidelines of the PRISMA statement and recommendations of the Cochrane Collaboration for systematic reviews in Google Scholar, MEDLINE, LILACS, Redalyc, SciELO and CUIDEN. The search was limited to the period 2010-2018, with reference to continuing education studies in nursing and hospital programs, in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Results: Of 478 articles, 5 were selected with the established criteria. Three topics stand out: 1) continuous education and evaluation of technical skills; 2) continuing education to the multidisciplinary team and education for health; and 3) hospital campaign for prevention.
Conclusions: Based on the information analyzed, there is a relationship between the continuing education of nursing personnel and the in-hospital prevention of UPPs.
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