2018, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2018; 26 (3)
Representation and identity of nursing practice in children's drawings
Alba-Leonel A, Ordiano-Hernández E
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 186-194
PDF size: 346.21 Kb.
Introduction: Representation is a social construction of knowledge and activities that men make intelligible from physical and social reality.
Objective: Interpret the representation through the drawing made by the children, about the being and being of a nursing professional to understand the identity with their daily practice.
Methods: The study is based on the theory of social representations and identity. On the subject: "What do nurses do?", How was nursing represented by children? What elements come out in the representations? What written message does it reproduce about being and doing nursing? For the interview, some questions were raised such as: Is the nursing professional identified with the image created by the children, about their practice and what ideas of identity do these representations produce?
Results: For children, nursing is not only represented with the white uniform and cap, there are other distinguishing features such as: lamp, stethoscope and syringe associated with vaccines and the use of modern health technologies.
Conclusions: Professional identity facilitates the development and social recognition of people in their practice and in the offer of qualified professional services.
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