2018, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2018; 60 (5)
Social participation and health: a collaborative experience on chronic kidney disease
Mercado-Martínez FJ, Madrigal-Vargas P, Sánchez-Pimienta CE
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 559-565
PDF size: 227.30 Kb.
Objective. To identify challenges derived from renal insufficiency,
as well as potential solutions and an agenda for action.
Materials and methods. By adopting a collaborative
research approach, diverse stakeholders –sick people, family
members, advocacy groups, health professionals, and academics–
participated in two gatherings in the context of the World
Kidney Day in Guadalajara, Mexico and created an agenda
for action. Data was gathered through group discussions.
Results. Two main issues are faced by kidney sick people
and their family members: the first one related with health
services and, second, the lack of economic resources to pay
for renal treatment. The agenda for action included rallying on
public squares, installing day of the dead altars, video making,
and publishing a book.
Conclusion. Participation of diverse
stakeholders is a valuable option to face challenges derived
from renal insufficiency.
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