2018, Number 3
Applications of stem cells in Cuban angiology
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 276-288
PDF size: 241.29 Kb.
In recent years a remarkable advance in regenerative medicine arises as a novel therapy that is applied to treat a large group of angiological diseases. A medical literature review was carried out aimed at describing the application of stem cells in Cuban Angiology specialty using 32 database references such as: LILACS, SciELO Regional, EBSCO and Dynamed. Stem cells have special characteristics and properties that determine a great effectiveness within Angiology. Its main sources of production are the bone marrow and peripheral blood. The angiological conditions treated in Cuba with stem cells are critical ischemia of the lower limbs, lymphedema, trophic ulcers in the lower limbs of diabetics and the postphlebitic syndrome, obtaining better results with its application than with the conventional therapies.REFERENCES
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