2018, Number 3
Interdisciplinary approach from the Comprehensive Medicine discipline to the Basic Biomedical Sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 257-266
PDF size: 192.83 Kb.
Introduction: the establishment of interdisciplinary associations from Comprehensive Medicine influences on the cognitive development of learners and contributes to the accomplishment of mutual correlation of concepts, laws and educational theories.Objective: to design a proposal of actions to develop the interdisciplinary approach from the Comprehensive Medicine discipline to the Basic Biomedical Sciences.
Method: a pedagogical study was conducted by the dialectical materialist method was carried out at Pedro Borrás Astorga University Polyclinic in Pinar del Río city from February to March 2018. Theoretical and empirical methods were used for the searching and analysis of information.
Results: the minutes of methodological meetings of the institution considered, not in great degree, the expositions and analysis on the interdisciplinary approach from the Comprehensive Medicine. The nominal group discussed the need to strengthen the methodological work in an interdisciplinary function towards the basic training order. A proposal of actions was designed to develop the interdisciplinary approach from the Comprehensive Medicine discipline to the Basic Biomedical Sciences with the purpose of promoting the integral training of Medicine students.
Conclusions: the proposal of actions to develop the interdisciplinary approach from the Comprehensive Medicine to the Biomedical Basic Sciences constitutes a way for the integral training of Medicine students, as well as a solid argument to guarantee greater scientific-professional training.
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