2018, Number 1
Advertising and consumption of snuff in women of Mexico City
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 57-74
PDF size: 1092.94 Kb.
Introduction. Smoking is considered a public health problem, both at the global and national level, because it is the leading cause of preventable death, the high number of deaths, disabilities and diseases associated with its consumption. Each day starts at earlier ages and there is a greater incidence in women, among other factors, of advertising, promotion and sponsorship tactics of the tobacco industry (IT). Objective. This paper presents the situation of this exposure and smoking in Mexican women. Material and method. A quantitative and cross-sectional study was carried out in elderly women: two groups were formed, the first consisting of active smokers and ex-smokers in treatment, the second one by women who have never smoked; They were recruited in three different scenarios: a) Institutions of higher education, b) centers of attention to addictions and c) mass public spaces. Results. The results of this study show that 74% of women who smoked started smoking while being underage, and that the most attractive aspect of tobacco advertising for them was cigar shoppers in convenience stores. It was identified that advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products is carried out through various strategies that take advantage of unregulated channels such as cigar displays at points of sale, movies, TV shows and the Internet, difficult to control means for avoid exposure to minors. Conclusions. The data obtained in this study show that the advertising that most catches the attention of the women are the exhibitors with cigarettes in stores and the posters that promote cigar brands, all evident unregulated advertising strategies. As part of the recommendations, it is urgently proposed to monitor compliance with established laws, effectively monitoring the ban on the sale of cigarettes to minors and the sale of loose cigars, as well as make amendments to the General Law for Control of Tobacco aimed at totally banning the advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products.REFERENCES
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