2018, Number 3
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AbanicoVet 2018; 8 (3)
Intoxication due to the consumption of huinar (Melochia pyramidata) in bovine of Colima, Mexico
Ruíz-Ramírez J, García-Valle J, Montoya-Ménez C, Hernández-Rivera J, Ramírez-Romero R, García-Márquez L
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 130-137
PDF size: 484.10 Kb.
The purpose of this document was to describe three cases of cattle with posterior paralysis and nerve lesions caused by huinar consumption (
Melochia pyramidata), in Colima, Mexico. In September 2017, three cases of cattle with incoordination, ataxia, paralysis posterior, prostration, and death were presented, with suspicion of bovine paralytic rabies. Complementary studies of hematology, necropsies, histopathology, and immunofluorescence were performed, and
M. pyramidata plants were collected for the detection of alkaloids. Leukocytosis was detected by neutrophilia and normocytic normochromic anemia. The macroscopic findings were the presence of edema in multiple organs. Histopathologically the brain, cerebellum, spinal and oblongata cord, as well as peripheral nerves, presented axonal degeneration and areas of demyelination. Negative to the rabies virus by immunofluorescence and without histological lesions. Three types of alkaloids were determined in
M. pyramitada. The report of these cases can help to identify the toxic flora of the region and to consider this plant as a differential diagnosis of bovine paralytic rabies.
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