2018, Number 3
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AbanicoVet 2018; 8 (3)
Estrus synchronization in ewes with PGF2α and biostimulated with “male effect”
Cadena-Villegas S, Arévalo-Díaz M, Gallegos-Sánchez J, Hernández-Marín A
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 94-105
PDF size: 456.52 Kb.
Biostimulation with "male effect" (ME) and its response in estrus synchronization in wool sheep was evaluated with a protocol based on the administration of prostaglandin (PGF2α) in the reproductive season. Twenty-four Suffolk and 29 Rideau Arcott adult sheep were used, which were randomized to one of two treatments (T): T1, n = 25: control sheep, synchronized with two applications of PGF2α with a seven-day interval, and T2, n = 28: similar to T1, but with the difference that the ram was introduced on day four, after the first administration of PGF2α, to perform ME. The estrus response, estrus onset, gestation and calving percentage, fertility, prolificacy, and fecundity were evaluated. There were no differences (P› 0.05) between the response to estrus, the percentages of gestation and calving, and fertility, among treatments. The onset of estrus, prolificacy and fecundity were higher (P ‹0.05) in the sheep of T2 with respect to the females of T1. We concluded that biostimulation with "male effect" in sheep synchronized with a protocol based on prostaglandins improves estrus onset, prolificacy, and fecundity in wool breeds.
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